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Anne Mare Peeters

PhD Candidate
Anne Mare Peeters

Research group

Social Epidemiology
Anne Mare Peeters

Anne-Mare Peeters pursues a PhD at the Department of Public Health (within the Social Epidemiology section) at the Erasmus Medical Center, being part of Smarter Choices for Better Health. Within this program she focusses on social determinants of health inequalities.

Within her research, Anne-Mare aims to evaluate the effectiveness of obesity prevention efforts across different social economic groups. She will be revisiting the prevention paradox as framed by Geoffrey Rose, comparing population based interventions with interventions that focus on high risk groups. Her research is driven by a focus on health inequalities and the aim to have a societal impact, bridging policy and practice.

Her research topics of interest include, health inequalities, differential intervention effects, societal cost-effect analyses, natural experiments, and health economic modelling.

She is supervisoed by Prof. dr. Frank van Lenthe and dr. Famke Mölenberg from the Department of Public Health at the Erasmus MC, and dr. Bram Wouterse from Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management.

Anne-Mare holds a research masters degree in Health Sciences, Public Health Epidemiology from the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES).

Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam
Internal post address Na-2401
P.O. Box 2040
3000 CA Rotterdam

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Erasmus MC
Room no.: NA-23
Dr. Molewaterplein 40
3015 GD Rotterdam

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